Secured Privacy for Private Mail Forwarding
Secured privacy is something you need with mail forwarding. You have a mail forwarding subscription for a reason and we know that. We will do everything in our power to keep you private. Your information is never shared with the public or any advertising agencies. From online viewing security measures to secure shredding and destruction, we have your privacy on our agenda. From initial acceptance from the post office or a courier to the final destination, your mail is 100% safe with sasquatch mail. You can count on our secured privacy.
Four layers of security protection for your online mail:
Online Mail Security
Safe Mail Forwarding
Secure Shredding
Mail Security Storage
Online Mail Security
Online mail security is something we take seriously. As an authorized Commercial Mail Receiving Agency approved by the United States Postal Service, we follow strict procedures to ensure that your online mail experience is enhanced with security. Your private mail in your online account will be safe and secure. Enhanced encryption gives you a shield to protect your identity and information online.

All employees that handle mail must go through a strict background check before they can handle such sensitive material at our secure mail headquarters. The mail is transferred to a location that you request through one of our mail couriers. You can choose secured mail forwarding services through the USPS and FedEx. We offer mail forwarding service that you can trust.
Secure Shredding
We use Sasquatch sized shredding machines to pulverize your scanned mail to smithereens. The mail is then sent out to be recycled. We are in the paper document scanning business and it is our responsibility to make sure there are trees left to enjoy.

Secured Privacy Mail Storage
When you want mail stored at our facility, you get more than an envelope tossed into a box. We keep your scanned documents under locked doors, surveillance equipment and constant monitoring. Privacy and security are our main concern when handling your important and sensitive documents. Stay private with a safe forwarding service you can trust.